Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Toe-dipping Leaper.

Hi. My name's Vicki and I'm a toe-dipper.
Confused? Completely understandable. Permit me to explain.
At a swimming pool, there are usually two kinds of people. The ones who take a deep breath and cannonball into the water (Let's call them "Leapers") and the ones who stand safely by the side of the pool, surreptiously dips in a toe to check the water temperature and finally, decides whether or not to go in (The ever careful Toe-dippers, of which I'm one).
It sucks, ok? It really, really sucks.
I went to college, got a degree and doubted my choice. On graduation day, no less.
Don't get me wrong. I love Accountancy, but does it love me?
Of course I know that didn't make sense.
Or... Here's a good one. I write and halfway through, I think of what people would say about it, so I delete and move on to something else.
I'm so stressed out about my future, I don't live in the present. I don't "hang out" with friends. I don't hang out with anyone not blood  related. Period!
In a way, you could say that this pandemic changed nothing but the level of my anxiety. Pandemic anxiety. Panxiety.
I'm not weird, i promise.
Once. Just once, I'd like to throw caution to the wind and wind (it's funny how those two words are pronounced differently.) up doing something I love and making a shit load of cash off it. Basically being Richard Castle.
I want to be unpredictable. Spontaneous.
I want to be able to do anything, without having a panic attack over what people I care about, and don't, might think.
It'd be a kinda "love me, if you will" situation.
In much simpler words, I want to be a Leaper.