Tuesday, February 25, 2020


I know, I know... It's a Tuesday. You could blame my warped sense of time, day and direction OR you could just sympathize with my inability to come up with a creative, story-related name that rhymes with Tuesday.
Viewsday Tuesday?
Moving on...
So, I had this idea, sometime back, to incorporate, into my blog,  the summaries of novels that totally rocked my world, whatever week they were read and all my brilliant and certainly not doped up brain could christian it with was "Fiction Friday".  And why not, right?
I mean, we're high, we're fly...we shall not die?
As you might be able to tell, that was a rather horrible rendition of the "We're here, we're queer" chant but I digress... Majorly.
Since I have this bad habit of distracting myself, I'm just gonna jump into the business of at hand.
Our superhero for today is no other but the amazing Rebecca Forster and her book, "Hostile witness" is to die for (Major pun intended).
In this book, we meet the formidable, volleyball player-turned- defense attorney, Josie Bates, the dedicated(?)  mother, Linda Sheraton, the Supreme Court Justice Nominee and Linda's husband,  Kip Rayburn, and the sixteen year old murder suspect, Hannah Sheraton.
A renowned judge dies in a fire and the entire town mourns a man who was as saintly as they come. During the burial, and amidst various news reporters, an arrest is made. What's that? It wasn't an accident? No way...
Hannah is jailed, pending trial while her desperate mother appeals to her former roommate and acquintance, Josie, for help.
 Reluctant, at first, Josie faces off a prosecutor determined to punish her for her past sins. After all, to forgive is to err...
Grudges are held, secrets are uncovered and saintly, dead judges are not as saintly as they were thought to be.
Sadistic sexual molestation, emotional blackmail and a thirst for truth. It's the holy trifecta of murder mysteries.
Find out exactly how far people will go to keep the dead, buried.

"Your Honor, permission to treat as Hostile."
     -    Josie Bates. 
"So directed."
     -    Judge Norris. 
LINK!!! https://www.anybooks.app/event/5e551b843d0241000f46faf1 VICKI MARIS